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Work/Life Balance Off-Kilter?

Try 3 time-saving tips you can start today

Blog_-_Work_Life_Balance.jpgWe’ve all heard recommended strategies for finding your best work/life balance: Learn to say no. Leave work at work. Make “me” time a priority. It’s good advice but can take months of hard work and a healthy dose of willpower to form those habits.

Here are three things you can do today that will help you save time and reduce stress:

HIIT it at the gym (or home). Think you need to spend an hour at the gym? Think again. High intensity interval training (HIIT) combines strenuous bursts of exercise with periods of recovery. Whether you prefer to run, walk, bike, or swim, adding brief sprints will burn calories in no time. Studies show 20-30 minutes of interval training are just as effective, if not more, than an hour of moderate exercise.

Simplify your finances. To save time and money, Neal Frankle, financial planning blogger at Wealth Pilgrim, recommends automating payments and consolidating bank accounts and credit cards. Online payments make it easier to review and reconcile statements, and having all of your accounts at one bank makes it a snap to see what you’re spending each month.

Pick up the phone. Texting, emailing, and instant messaging are fabulous for quick exchanges of information. But, on his website, leadership expert Tom LaForce suggests that if you want to be better understood and get through your email inbox faster, “Pick out anything you believe requires a ‘well-crafted’ response, and call the person with your answer. You’ll save time and maybe even prevent carpal tunnel.”

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