Independent Bank recently concluded their “Fall into Cash” Sweepstakes, in which they gave away a total of $11,500 to 66 lucky Independent Bank Debit Mastercard® customers, with one Grand Prize winner receiving $5,000.
During the Sweepstakes, which ran September 1-November 30, 2021, customers earned an entry for each transaction they made with their Debit Mastercard® and a mail-in alternate method of entry also earned an entry into the Sweepstakes. Customers also earned an additional entry for each recurring payment they completed. Five winners were randomly selected each week during the promotional period to win $100 cash.

Independent Bank also randomly selected one Grand Prize winner who received $5,000 at the conclusion of the Sweepstakes. Jason Garvie of Bellevue was the lucky Grand Prize recipient.
“We wanted to do something fun for our customers this fall, while also incenting them to use their Independent Bank Debit Mastercard,®” said Tricia Schabel, Senior Vice President, Marketing Director at Independent Bank. “With back-to-school shopping, fall activities, and preparing for the holidays, we knew that many of our customers would be making purchases this fall, and we wanted to do something special to give back and help them with these purchases.”
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