Getting Out of Debt in Your 50s and 60s
Up until recently, retirement was a fairly straightforward process. You got a job, stuck with it for years (often until retirement), got married and had kids, bought a house – not necessarily in that order. The thought was you followed a trajectory and got to live out your golden years comfortably.
Since those days, the economy and culture have changed markedly. Technology has advanced rapidly, jobs have moved overseas, the population has grown exponentially, and a number of other things have changed the economic and cultural landscapes.
A look at a cumulative cost of living chart shows that the cost of living has gone up 2463.50% since 1913. Additionally, wages have stagnated for many. This imbalance has created an increasing amount of debt, and it’s seen across all ages and socioeconomic classes.
While you may want to focus on the factors, or hows and why’s, it’s more crucial to look at ways to get out of debt. This is even more essential for those in their 50s or 60s. In other words, for those who are about to or have just retired and still find themselves in debt.
The Golden Years are coming later
People are living longer, and also working longer. Part of the reason for staying in the workforce is to reduce debt before retiring. That said, there aren’t always the same options for reducing debt, especially if you are accruing more due to medical bills, rising taxes, or anything else that may affect your ability to pay down and save.
How to pay down debt in your 50s and 60s
Hopefully in your 50s and 60s you’ve gotten somewhere. Maybe you have a house or two, cars, a lifetime of household items. Maybe you’ve maintained great credit, or you’ve worked your way up the company ladder. Use these things to start focusing on your debt, and boosting your retirement savings.
Here are some ways you can approach your debt:
Some smart financial moves you can make to save money in your 50s and 60s
An excellent budget, adding to savings, and reducing or cutting costs are going to be your primary focus in your 50s and 60s. All of these things help with debt reduction as well.
Make these smart financial moves:
Getting rid of debt in your 50s and 60s is more important than ever. The choices you make will affect how golden your golden years are.